modern luxurious interior

Gorgeous Additions to Make Your Home Look Classier

Making your home feel classier isn’t just a matter of entertaining guests with no shame. It’s also a great way to make your interior design feel more timeless so you can enjoy your home’s aesthetic for a longer time than you would if you went for dated trends and pieces that screamed novelty. Although you can still add a pop of niche here and there depending on your own tastes, there’s a way to express yourself and still achieve a sophisticated overall air if you incorporate the right elements. Here are a few additions you can make to keep your interior design stylish through the years.

  • Hardwood flooring

It’s not hard to source out hardwood floors anymore, and it’s a great way to set the tone for an entire room. Sure, you can add rugs and other materials as you please, but the timeless choice that can match with any furniture is the perfect hardwood. Here, you must consider the tones you want to establish in the room so you can pick the ideal color and finish. Put the species of the wood you choose into consideration, as this can determine the tones and grain pattern you get.

Putting enough money into your flooring can make it more durable in a practical sense, but its aesthetic is also enduring. The beauty with this particular choice is that it works any arguably any room, be it your den or your kitchen.

  • High draping

You can opt for breezy curtains if that’s what you prefer, but heavier drapes can add a touch of elegance with the right fabric and design. The lining can make it exquisite and can more efficiently block out light when you need it to. Hang them high to add that classy touch, accentuate the length of the fabric, and add some visual height to the windows. You’ll want to make sure that you pick a long panel that only hovers above the ground by an inch. You can hide the rod where you hang it from or pick a well-designed one that compliments the texture of your draping.

  • Additional molding

interior molding

A trim can change the entire look of a space, even if it’s a subtle addition that frames the room. There are many options to crown molding these days, so you can always find a way to fit it into your design. It can be the perfect way to accentuate your ceiling, doorways, arches, and the like. It’s not just relegated to vintage designs either, as there are ways to modernize the installation while still achieving that classy effect. Its presence immediately elevates the entire space with its design. That lends to the overall craft and art of the home.

  • Chic light fixtures

Light can do a lot to inform the vibe of a room, so make sure you take the time to find the right hues and positioning to make sure your lighting highlights the right parts of the room and doesn’t make it look smaller or more cramped. These days, you can incorporate light itself as a major design element in the home, especially if you pick an excellent fixture that complements the interior design. You can lean into some trends for this one, depending on the style you want to curate, and still create a chic sheen in every area of the property. You don’t have to feel too limited in this arena if you pick the right coloring and install it in the best spots.

  • An eclectic mix of art

What better way to elevate your design than by making use of art? That gives you a little more freedom and allows you to express your tastes as you please, adding some contrast and different textures into the room. As long as you pick the right framing and position, you can essentially choose any art style you like, whether you opt for paintings, photography, or even mixed-medium murals. You can go uniform with your choices here or even mix it up, and it will still work together. Additionally, you can add pieces like sculptures to add some flair and class throughout the floor space.

These are some of the classic but effective ways you can always rely on to curate your space with more sophistication. They can give a plush feel to your space without veering into nouveau or going overboard. The best part of these is that they are buildable and that you can add on to it as the years go on.

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